Framework for Development of Resources

At CorHealth Ontario, we produce many resources for a variety of stakeholders to support a high quality, integrated, system of cardiac, stroke and vascular care. These resources may include guidance documents, support tools or recommendations. While CorHealth is not the primary author in drafting evidence-based clinical practice and guidelines, CorHealth does produce documents that align to recommendations guiding evidence-based practice and/or policies in Ontario to support adoption and implementation.

CorHealth uses a consistent, transparent and methodical approach to developing guidance documents and support tools for cardiac, stroke and vascular care. We follow a framework (Figure 1) when developing any document or tool to ensure all our resources are developed using the same approach. CorHealth ensures that all documents and tools are developed in consultation with stakeholders, including clinical experts, patients and caregivers, and other health care partners to guide and support the development of the resource and to ensure the document is applicable in the real world.

If you have any questions on how CorHealth produces documents and resources, please contact

Figure 1

Steps of framework for development of documents and resources.

Click image above to download or enlarge Framework for Development of Documents & Resources.