IHFC Implementation Support Toolkit Overview


Integrating heart failure (HF) care requires an array of approaches and strategies. This toolkit was created to support interested clinicians, administrators, and health care teams to work towards integrating and connecting HF care in their local areas; that is, to provide ‘wrap around care’ for patients.

The contents of this toolkit are meant to be adapted by interested individuals and teams, as they see fit. It is not comprehensive, and is not meant to be prescriptive or limiting. Rather, these tools and resources are meant to serve as a guide to help teams get started.

Through the work of the Early Adopter Teams as part of the Integrating Heart Failure Care Initiative, some of these tools were tested and refined, some were borne out of the learnings from the work at the Early Adopter Teams, and others are included here that were not used by the sites, but are being recommended based on experience and expertise.

How to Use this Toolkit

Before using this toolkit, it is recommended that you have a clear understanding of the Spoke-Hub-Node model of HF care, the HF Quality Standard, and of the overarching objective of integrating HF care. For clarification or further details, we encourage you to contact the CorHealth Ontario HF Team, at oh-corh_service@ontariohealth.ca.


The toolkit contains the following 7 sections:

  1. A Business Case for Integrated Heart Failure Care
  2. Environmental Scanning
  3. The Spoke-Hub-Node Model
  4. The Heart Failure Quality Standard
  5. Heart Failure Education
  6. Project Management Resources
  7. Patient and Caregiver Engagement

How can CorHealth Ontario support me?

  • As a liaison with other teams who have done this work and provide mentorship
  • Phone or in-person consultations and guidance