Health System Level Tools and Guidelines: Community Rehabilitation

Provides health system planners with a repository of resources including stroke best practice guidelines and standards of care.

Early Supported Discharge (ESD) from Acute and Rehab:

OSN’s Provincial Integrated Working Group on Early Supported Discharge – Final Report

This document was developed for health systems administrators, planners and clinical teams to support the implementation of stroke ESD services. The Final Report provides a summary of the group’s accomplishments and links to the 5 key deliverables identified in the 2013-2015 work plan. Limitations and future considerations with respect to this work are also discussed.


2015 QBP Clinical Handbook for Stroke


Early Supported Discharge literature review compiled by Provincial Integrated ESD Working Group

The following document has been created by OSS representatives and have been agreed to share provincially. The document was created to support the implementation of Early Supported Discharge programs in Ontario.


OSN Backgrounder

Early Supported Discharge

Early Supported Discharge – Core Elements

This document was developed for health systems administrators, planners and clinical teams to support the implementation of ESD services. The document provides categories of the core elements that are to be considered when developing an ESD service.


Early Supported Discharge – Sample Business Case Elements

This document was designed for health systems administrators, planners and clinical teams and contains information, literature, references and examples that can be used to develop and/or enhance a region-specific business case for an Early Supported Discharge program.


Inventory of Early Supported Discharge (ESD) and Community Stroke Rehabilitation Models

This document was designed for health systems administrators, planners and clinical teams and contains an inventory of current or proposed Canadian ESD and community stroke rehabilitation models. It provides a snapshot of different models that regions can consider when developing their own model.


Enhanced Ambulatory/Community Rehabilitation Services:


Timely Access to Outpatient/Community-Based Rehabilitation for Appropriate Patients

HNHB Community Stroke Rehabilitation Model

The release of the second annual Ontario Stroke Report Card in June 2012 revealed that opportunities existed within the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) to reorganize how acute and inpatient stroke rehabilitation services were provided.


Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team Summary Report 2014


The Impact of Moving to Stroke Rehabilitation Best Practices in Ontario Final Report Oct 2012


Community Stroke Rehabilitation Models in Ontario Final June 2016
