Reinvigorating Our Measurement Agenda
In the June issue of CorHealth Quarterly, CorHealth Ontario introduced its Information and Digital Strategy. The goals of the Strategy are to transform our approach of how we collect, manage, report and make accessible health care data to drive system improvement. Through the implementation of the Strategy, stakeholders should experience a reduction in data collection burden and an enhanced value in CorHealth Ontario data and reporting on performance and patient outcomes.
A key priority in 2018/19 is to further define how CorHealth Ontario can best leverage data and reporting to drive health system improvement, and define our baseline data and reporting needs across the cardiac, stroke and vascular clinical domains. To drive this work, three Task Groups were established to develop recommendations that will be brought forward to the CorHealth Ontario Leadership Councils in Q4 2018/19. Dr. Adalsteinn (Steini) Brown, Dean of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, has also been formally engaged to provide advice to CorHealth Ontario and the Task Groups on how to best use data and reporting to drive health system improvement.
The membership and terms of reference for these Task Groups can be found through the links below:
- Stroke Evaluation and Quality Committee co-chaired by Dr. Mark Bayley and Dr. Matthew Meyer
- Vascular Reporting Task Group chaired by Dr. Andrew Dueck
- Cardiac Surgery Reporting Task Group chaired by Ms. Deb Bedini
Recommendations from these Task Groups will be finalized and communicated with stakeholders in the coming months.
More December 2018 Articles:
- Letter from the Interim CEO
- Endovascular Thrombectomy Performance Measurement First in Canada
- CorHealth Ontario Partnerships Supporting Primary Care
- Improvement in Timely Access to STEMI Care in Ontario
- Emergency Vascular Referral Pathways
- Inaugural Meeting Updates
- CorHealth Ontario Resource and Presentation Highlights