Success Stories Inventory: Community Rehabilitation
Provides examples of best practice initiatives from organizations across Ontario. Information includes: description of the intiative, outcomes achieved, success factors and lessons learned.
Early Supported Discharge (ESD) From Acute and Rehabilitation:
Calgary ESD
Enhanced Ambulatory/Community Rehabilitation Services:
Community Stroke Rehabilitation Models
Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant
Stroke Network of Southeastern Ontario
South West Local Health Integration Network
Waterloo Wellington
St. John’s Rehab Hospital
- Best Practice Initiatives (embedded documents are listed below in the order they appear)
St. Mary’s of the Lake, Providence Care, Kingston
Southeastern Ontario Stroke Network
- Best Practice Initiatives (embedded documents are listed below in the order they appear)
- Final SEO Rehab Project Report Nov2204
- Enhanced Therapy for Stroke OACCAC
- Protocols Therapy Providers Community Setting
- Protocols Therapy Providers LTC Setting
- Protocols Case Managers (or designate) Community Setting
- Protocols Case Managers (or designate) LTC Setting
- Guidelines for the Discharge Link
Southwest LHIN Specialized Community Stroke Rehabilitation Teams
- Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team Summary Report May 2014
- BP Initiative (embedded documents are listed below in the order they appear)